Friday, 14 August 2015

Magic box disclaimer


Please read CAREFULLY

Due to the nature of this item, we are not responsible for the content streamed to it.  We do NOT host any media files of any kind nor do we condone piracy.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE WEB-SITE OWNERS, ITS SUPPORT STAFF AND AFFILIATED PERSONS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS DEVICE WHATSOEVER.  You must satisfy yourself that either you or the sites accessed for streaming have the copyright agreements in place and are entitled to access this content.

For the best user experience we recommend a minimum download speed of 5 mbs for Ethernet or 10 mbs for Wifi connection.  Anything less can result in latency and buffering issues during video playback.  The box is NOT the cause of buffering.

1. We do NOT recommend this product for anyone who expects to replace their cable or satellite provider and receive the exact same experience.  Some knowledge of Kodi would be extremely helpful.

2. We do not have control over apps or content.  We do not host any video files.  We simply give you a means of obtaining them.  We will assist you in finding content if you are having difficulties but offer NO guarantees to their existence or quality.

3.  For those of you that need Live HD Sports or local channels, we recommend you use this box as a "companion" to your existing cable, satellite  or HD antenna. 

4. Anyone who requires Live HD TV should consider a paid subscription service.

5. The onD works best for watching all the latest movies and TV shows On Demand. 

6. You can watch many movies and TV shows in HD using various streaming apps but we do not support them.

7. You will, at some point, experience "dead links" or buffering issues when viewing content.  This is caused by latency via the internet.  This is NOT caused by your box. 
The Internet is also known as "The Information Highway" and at times that highway will need maintenance or there is so much traffic that it slows to a crawl.  Even million dollar servers we are connecting to, like Netflix has, so some downtime needs to be expected.

8. We will not refund anyone simply because they can not find the exact content they are looking for.  Again, we do not supply the content itself.
Your box is not "defective" simply because you are unable to stream certain content or if an app does not work. 

If you are willing to take the time to learn how to use it, this Magic box absolutely can replace your costly cable/satellite bills.  However, you need to understand its limitations as well. 

Sincerely yours