Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Using kodi for first time

Using Xbmc kodi for first time.

I have create a video taking a first look of thekodi/xmbc setup in magicbox.

  1. showing you   where to find video addons.
  2. how to changer aspect ration in kodi/xbmc
  3. how to use volume amplication for films with low sound
Aplogies for the odd colours in video this is nothing to do with kodi .I recorded the video using mobizen.

:Using kodi/xbmc for first time part 1

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Magicbox app now available in the Aptoide app store.

In order to try and make my blog more accessible to a wider audience I have subitted the Magicbox app to the Aptoide app store

now it will be even easier for you to download and keep up todate with all new Kodi/Android addon and app information.

Just type in magicbox or magicboxuk  in the search box

Hopefully in the not too distant future I will be creating RSS feeds which will be installed on my blog/droid boxes

.Apdoide App store

Friday, 27 March 2015

Italian and Spanish football

You can now watch Italian and Spanish football using the Iptv sport extra add on.

The easiest way to download this add on is to go to total installer. addon

Search by country select  Germany and scroll down the list until you have found this  add on and install.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Disney Cinderella

Whilst browsing my droid box yesterday via kodi. I  noticed that cam copies of Cinderella have popped up for viewing.

Check out AAA.

Even though this is a cam copy it seems watchable.

I  reckon we should have HD copies in a couple of weeks.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Giniko Turkish tv app

Giniko Turkish Tv

Giniko Turkish TV is a multimedia subscription based entertainment package that delivers live Turkish TV channels with online DVR from both inside and outside of Turkey to subscribers around the World. Giniko Turkish TV is the largest aggregation of media aimed at the Turkish channels under one umbrella. With Giniko Turkish TV, Turkish families all over the world will always be able keep up with the latest news, political and social events, documentaries, lifestyle, sporting events, as well as educational and cultural programming. You will always feel connected.

Giniko Turkish TV is the most comprehensive subscription based multimedia bouquet offer aimed at Turkish community living abroad. All of Giniko Turkish TV's contents are delivered in standard/high definition TV which are coming to you directly from sources in Turkey and Europe.

Continuously Adding New Turkish TV Channels
We work tirelessly to improve our service and add new channels. You can help us out by reporting streams that won't load and links that go nowhere. We would also love to hear from you about what kind of features you'd like to see or what channels you think we should add.

My thoughts on Giniko Turk.

I dont usually like to feature paid applications however, I thought that GinikoTurk deserved a special mention in the sense that it is a cross platform device compatable with IOS, android,Roku,PC etc.

Considering it costs $8.95 (about £5.50 a month) you get a lot for your money all of the major Turkish national tv channels as well as the Turkish Cypriot channels.

 I requested they added all of the main Turkish Cypriot channels and Kenan in their Customer Services was very obliging.Excellent Customer relations on their part

This works really well on  your phones/boxes tested on both Android phones and droid  boxes and it has performed really well.

The only downside for me was the fact that you can only be logged into one device at any one time.

I am assuming this feature has been installed to stop you from passing around your username and password.

I would recommend this app if you do not have tradtional dish setup and want to watch Turkish tv with the fuss of XBMC or kodi.

The added bonus with paying your subscription is the DVR funtion on most of the major Turkish TV channels suchas Kanal D, Atv,show Tv, Star tv etc.

With this function you can go back upto 7 days and watch tv you might have missed.


Thursday, 19 March 2015

Download the magicbox android app

I have created an android app for you to have quick and easy access to my blog
I hope you enjoy it

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Buffering problem

I get asked this question so many times I thought I  would  create a post just on this issue.

why is my channel stuttering or buffering?

A good place to  start is by typing the link below in your browser.


make sure your device is hardwired to router. For example your laptop or pc is attached to router using the yellow ethernet cable and not via WiFi.

This will give you a more accurate measurement.

Another very useful tool for ensuring that you get the best WiFi connection is to download an app called

WiFi analyser  from the Google play store.

Then provided you have an able WiFi on your phone or tablet etc you can easily identify which router channel is the least congested.

All routers have about 13 channels sometimes you can get router interference from your neighbours. This handy apo takes out the guesswork when trying to change router channels.

If your WiFi connection isn't the best speak to your I'm for further assistance.

In order to watch content in SD you need at least 2mb on the upload.

To watch in HD you need 4 mb  on the upload.

Also bear in mind that when you are watching content through kodi /xbmc it can be variable due to which server the content is stored on. Totally out of your control. As the people who create these lists are responsible for the content and there is nothing you or me for that matter can do  about it.

Hope this helps.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Sunday, 8 March 2015

New turkish addon SeyirTurk updated16/03/15

Hi guys, I am currently testing the new Turkish addon Seyirturk.
It seems this addon has a mix of
live channels
TV shows/ diziler(series, catch up tv).
I am also having a look at their android app(this is not available in Google store) .
It is always great to discover new Turkish content.
Especially when you can watch your favourite programmes on the big screen without a dish.
If this app promises to deliver then it also means that you can watch all your favourite channels and shows on the go.
I will report back with further information as soon as possible.


Check out Seyirturk's Youtube video below.you wont be disappointed promise lol.


Important Changes to Turkish Addon XMBCTR

Important information regarding the XBMCTR addon in English &Turkish.

For those of you who dont know XBMCTR and MAGICTR are the two main addons for watching Turkish content in Kodi/Xbmc.

Previously you were able to view Turkish vod content soaps, entertainment programmes and live tv by signing up to their forum located at XMBCTR.Com.

Then you had to become a VIP member by making a donation to the LOSEV (Turkish Childrens Lukemia charity.)


Once you had gone through all of these steps you had to download the addon onto your droidbox or pc and then enter your XMBCTR username and password through the addon itself in order to view the VIP live streaming content etc.

What's Changed?


Changes effective from the 31/03/15


1. You still have to register your details at the XBMCTR.com forum etc

2. In addition you are now required to also register your details with the KodiTR.org

both the username and password for both these sites need to be the same.


Apparently the team behind XBMCTR have had to introduce  a password encryption system to ensure that the content they work tirelessly to maintain is not ripped off by third parties and sold as their own lists.

So you will no longer able to pass around your username and password for others to use in a different location.

 If you do happen to log into the add-ons via another IP address then your account will be locked out for a period of 24 hours and you will not be able to view content from these addons.

You can only use your VIP membership to access MagicTR the new name for XBMCTR from one IP address and can have upto 5  devices connected  to the same add-on.

What this means is that you can have your pc,tablet and tv via a droid box all accessing the Turkish content provided by XBMCTR, MAGICTR.

when you are out and about you can still have acces to the free addons

IPTVTR (a few live tv channels)

Cizgi film( Cartoons)

XBMCTR - Sinema ( Turkish and english film addon)

Turkish info taken from forum.

Video Addons Live Channels (Turkish - Arabic),Sinema,Dizi ve dahafazlasi. . .

MagicTR kullanmaniz icin forum VIP veya YONETIM uyeliginiz olmasi gerekir.
koditr.org sitesine uye olurken muhakkak forum ayni isim ayni email ve ayni sifre ile üye olmaniz gerekmektedir .
aksi tektirde uyeliginiz gerceklesmeyecektir.
Eger forum VIP uyeliginiz yoksa Standart uyeliginiz varsa koditr.org sitesine uye oldugunuzda size email gelecektir o emailde uyelik satin almak icin gerekli detay mevcuttur.

Kullanim kosullari:

*Is Bu Addons ve Diger Addonslarimizin tamami ayni sekilde Xbmc icin hazirlanmis olup Python yazilim diliyle sizlerin kullanimina acilmistir,

*Kesinlikle hicbir sekilde XbmcTR Team Bünyesinde ve Serverlerinde Telif Haklarina Aykiri hicbir Video Barindirmamaktadir. Tüm video’lar Internetten toplanmis olup " FREE Embed " kodlariyla yayinlardan olusturulmustur.

*’’5652 Kanun geregince’’ iS BU YAYINLARIN SIZE AIT OLDUGUNU IDDIA EDIYORSANIZ; ADMINLERE BASVURUP YAYININ KALDIRILMASINI TALEP EDEBILIRSINIZ; Uyari talebi itibari ile 3 is Günü icerisinde size cevap verilecektir, ve yayin kaldirilacakdir.

*Kesinlikle hicbir Sekilde Internetten Toplanmis FREE Streams yayinlari harici Video ve Videolar Bulundurulmamaktadir.KESINLIKLE BIZLERE PAYTV ile ilgili Bisey sormayniz , Hicbirsekilde xbmctr team bünyesinde bu tür yayinlar in konusu bile olamaz, Kesinlikle tartisma konusu yapilamaz !!!

*+18 Icerikli Cinsel yayin Barindirilamaz,

*Tüm eklentilerimiz Frodo ve Gotham ve KODI ile uyumludur...

*Cihaziniza ve yüklediginiz XBMC’nize olabilecek Tüm sorumluluklari KABUL EDEREK bu Eklentiyi kendi RIZA’niz dogrultusunda kurup ve kullandiginizi Teyit edip, kurulum icin asagidaki satirdan devam ediniz.

Eklenti Indirilmesi ve kurulumu =

*REPO Kurulumu Konusundaki linkte verdigimiz Resimleri takip ederek ve ayni sekilde uygulayarak, REPO’nuzu BURADAN kurabilirsiniz.

Yada Direk Olarak MagicTR Repo’yu Download butonundan Indirebilirsiniz. MagicTR REPO DOWNLOAD

ve Xbmc nize kurulum yapabilirsiniz, ( Ayrintili Soru ve cevaplari Imzamda mevcut yada Forum yukarisinda S.S.S e bakiniz )


* Bu Addons YENi sistem Sifreli Eklentidir !! Yani Sifreniz aktif hale gelmeden Eklenti kullaniminiza izin verilmemektedir !

*Magic TR yi kullanabilmeniz icin BURADAN
üyelik almak,koditr.org sitesine üye olmanizi istiyoruz ( ayni forum Nicki ve Sifreniz ile Lütfen )

*Tüm bilgiler ve kullanim Email olarak Üyeliginizi tamamladiginizda size otomatik gelecektir .

* Eklentiyi Kullanabilmeniz icin XbmcTR Team Yönetim üyesi veya Forum -VIP üye olma Sarti GEREKMEKTEDIR !!! ( Burada bir aciklama yapmakta fayda görüyorum. Nekadar Team Görevlisi bile olsaniz görevini ciddiye alamayan arkadaslarin kullanimi kapatilacaktir ve yeni Teamde görev almak isteyen arkadaslarin önü acilacaktir. Teamde Görev almak isteyenler ADMIN arkadaslara PM yolu ile ulasabilirler. )

* 01.01.2015 Tarihine kadar ( yaklasik 3 senedir beraberiz ) YAPMIS oldugunuz " TÜM LÖSEV Bagislari icin sizlere teşekkürlerimizi sunmayı bir borç biliriz., Kendim , Team arkadaslarim ve siz bagis yapan tüm VIP kullanicilar icin Hayirlara vesile olmasini diliyoruz."

* Kurulusumuzdan buyana 01.01.2015 tarihine kadar VIP olan üyelerimizin 1 YIL daha yani 31.12.2015 tarihine kadar VIP kalarak tüm addonslarimizi kullanimina izn verilecektir , 1 yil sonunda 01.01.2016 tarihinden itibaren VIP olsaniz bile Addonslardaki kullaniminiz pasiflesdirilecekdir.

* 31.03.2015 Tarihi itibari ile tüm XbmcTR team bünyesindeki addons’lar bu SIFRE sistemine gececektir. Bu süre zafinda bu konuya muvaffak olup yeni sisteme gecisimizi hazirlikli olmalarina önemle rica ediyoruz

* Islemlerinizi basariyla tamamladiginizda " koditr.media@gmail.com " tarafindan 24 saat icerisinde üyeliginiz aktif edilip addons u 1 YIL süre ile kullaniminiza izin verilmis olacaktir !

* Sonradan Vip Olmak isteyen Tüm Üyeler ve Simdiki VIP üyelerin DIKKATINE :

VIP sistemi tamamen degisdirilecektir, ve bu sayede eklentilerimizin isimleri degisdirilerek baska amaclar icin kullanimi engellenmis olup kapatilacakdir.
Yeni sifre sistemi ile Ayni kullanici sifre ve kulanici ismini farkli yerlerde kullanimi kaldirilacaktir.
Lütfen DIKKAT ayni evden, yani ayni internet üzeri 5 ayri cihaza kadar Eklentilerimizin kullanimi acikdir.
Konuyu farkli boyutlara tasimaniza gerek yoktur, bu sadece haksiz kazanc yapan kisilere karsi yapilmis bir önlem ve sistemdir.
ÖNEMLI DUYRULUR Kullanici adinizi ve sifrenizi kesinlikle kimseyle paylasmamanizi ve eklentileri bu sekilde kullanmayi denememenizi rica ediyoruz. Aksi taktirde " IP denetim sistemi ile tesbit edilmis olup farkli IP lerden giren tüm kullanicilara 24 Saat kilit sistemi kurulmustur.

Bu sekilde bir bagis sistemi kurularak Kendi serverimizin masraflarinin karsilanmasi hedeflenmis olacak, ilerdeki projeleri ayaga kaldirilmasi hedeflenmisdir .

Nasil VIP Kullanicisi olabilirsiniz ?

Arkadaslar Bu zamana kadarki forumumuz ve serverlerimizin Masraflarini paylasmak , ve Sizlere daha kaliteli (örnek Magic deki Live TV ler 640 pxl yayin olarak toplanmisdir ) ve HIZLI eklentiler ulasdirabilmek icin Forum - VIP Bagisi planliyoruz, Yillik cok cüzzi bir bagis yapmaniz istenecektir, Yine Bu konuda bagis yapmak isteyenler veya Vip üyeliginin devamini isteyenler " koditr.media@gmail.com " E-Mail atmalarini gerekmektedir.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Exodus Kings and men now on cinema HD and kodi/xbmc

Exodus Kings and men now showing on HD cinema app. Also available on the kodi /xbmc portal. İf you want to become part of the kodi community and turn your TV into a smart TV get in touch.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Fifty shades of Grey

Fifty shades of Grey is available on HD cinema app in HD quality

New adult content on AAA streams Updated 28/03/15

For those of you who like that sort of thing I just thought I would let you know that AAA LIVE TV STREAMS now has adult content. 

Just click on the heading  called  LIVE STREAMS CLICK ON THE LINK


This site has a whole host of VOD  content. As well as live streaming feeds from brazzers, hustler Europe, playboy. Babestation etc.